• 40 years’ public sector experience
  • 600 reviews completed
  • £675m income generated
  • £250m income protected

News from Capacitygrid

Find out more about our services and how, alongside our parent company Liberata
we’re helping our customers generate additional income.

Gaining the Maximum New Homes Bonus

Around 710,000 UK properties are currently lying empty. The Ministry  … Read more

Empty Homes News Image

Empty Homes Reviews Myth Busting

We have been running successful empty homes reviews for our  … Read more

Dorothy Perkins and Burtons Case Study

85% of Dorothy Perkins and Burtons Staff Find New Roles

The Client Dorothy Perkins and Burton are two of the  … Read more

Burnley Case Study

Reducing Payroll Errors

The Client Burnley Borough Council provides services to around 75,000  … Read more

Delivering Exceptional Services for your People

Delivering Exceptional Services for Your People

In the evolution of many businesses, there comes a time  … Read more

People Services

Post-Pandemic People Services Will Require a Tailored Approach

It goes without saying that COVID-19 has had a colossal  … Read more