• 40 years’ public sector experience
  • 600 reviews completed
  • £675m income generated
  • £250m income protected

News from Capacitygrid

Find out more about our services and how, alongside our parent company Liberata
we’re helping our customers generate additional income.

Devon County Council Maximises Council Tax Revenues and Mitigates Fraud

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CTB1 Submission Deadline

Only 48 Days Until CTB1 Submissions

Did you know there are only 132 shopping days until Christmas?  … Read more

Staffordshire Moorlands and High Peak Empty Homes Review

Empty Homes Review Double Delight

Today marks another double win with Staffordshire Moorlands District Council  … Read more

IRRV Finalists

Three Category IRRV Finalists

The 2022 Performance Awards Scheme looks to build upon the  … Read more

CIPFA Public Finance Live

Do you know how to find an extra £10,000,000…We do!

Liberata is looking forward to the forthcoming CIPFA Conference on  … Read more

Brent and Easleigh Empty Homes Review

Double Win for our Empty Homes Review Service

We have seen a double win recently with both Brent  … Read more