• 40 years’ public sector experience
  • 600 reviews completed
  • £675m income generated
  • £250m income protected

News from Capacitygrid

Find out more about our services and how, alongside our parent company Liberata
we’re helping our customers generate additional income.

Hartlepool Anytime Service

Hartlepool Takes Up Anytime Services

Hartlepool Borough Council has signed up to utilise Capactitygrid’s Anytime  … Read more

New Homes Bonus Funding

Millions of Pounds in New Homes Bonus Payment Confirmed

The councils that worked alongside Capacitygrid throughout last year conducting  … Read more

St Albans City & District Council identifies and recovers £218,000 of incorrect or fraudulent Council Tax discounts

St Albans City and District Council identifies and recovers £218,000  … Read more

Leicester City Case Study

Leicester City Council Uncovers an Additional £900,000 of Rateable Value

The Overview Leicester City Council, a unitary authority in the  … Read more

Business Rates Review

The Business Rates Holiday Has Ended, But What Next?

The year-long business rates holiday, which was introduced because of  … Read more

Helping Hand

Anytime, Always On When You Need It

It’s been well documented recently how many local authorities have  … Read more